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Whether you're trying to monitor your own competitors or wanting to expand your network, BizVibe helps users gather insights on similar companies.
Buyers can use this feature to expand their current supplier network by exploring similar companies/competitors categorized across different products and services at the global, regional, and national levels.
Sellers can expand their sales outreach by accessing competitor details of any selected company, allowing them to track and monitor key competitors of target accounts.
BizVibe provides the top five similar companies at three geographical levels:
For each level, BizVibe provides a snapshot of the top five companies and compares their revenue, risk score, headquarters location, employee size, and company type. For additional insights, users can easily click on the competitor's name to be directed to their full profile, containing 50+ data points.
In addition to discovering similar companies, using BizVibe's platform will give you access to all company insights which includes risk evaluation, industry trends and challenges, primary operating industries, key product and service offerings, management team organizational charts, latest company news, and more.
Discover competitors for 30M+ companies using BizVibe